What a GREAT product!
Congoleum has a winner here. Looks exactly like ceramic but is more durable and is warmer to foot traffic. It is easy to install. You can install with or without grout. We have literally sold millions of dollars of this product at American Carpet Wholesalers almost complaint free. Congoleum Duraceramic is the name to remember when considering tile for your floor.
Congoleum has a winner here. Looks exactly like ceramic but is more durable and is warmer to foot traffic. It is easy to install. You can install with or without grout. We have literally sold millions of dollars of this product at American Carpet Wholesalers almost complaint free. Congoleum Duraceramic is the name to remember when considering tile for your floor.
I actually just finished purchasing the congoleum duraplank and duraceramic from you (just received the e-mail that it shipped out today). You say that you have almost no complaints on the product. Would you mind stating what those few complaints are? I've noticed that online there are several complaints on the product and this has me very worried but since you've actually been to the facility that manufactures the product, I thought that you might be able to ease my mind. Thanks!
Thanks for the question. Most complaints have to do with surface damage. Well over half of these complaints turned out to be user abuse. Such as dragging heavy objects across the surface and scratches appear. The reason I say user abuse is that we and/or Congoleum have had independant inspectors look at some of the problems and in the majority of the cases that was their conclusion.
Some other complaints have had to do with installation. Either too much grout was used or not enough. When not enough is used, you will eventually see cracking and separation of the grout.
Using too much adhesive and not allowing it to set before setting the tiles can lead to seapage up thru the grout.
The tiles are extremely serviceable but not indestructable. I personally have Rapolano Shoreline Mist installed in my kitchen, breakfast area and utility room. They have gotten wet with no damage. However dropping a heavy object with sharp corners can gouge the tile. Replacing a damaged tile is not too much of a chore. You simply chip away the grout (if a grouted installation is what you do) and heat the tile with a hair dryer. This will release the tile from the glue. Pull up the damaged tile, replace it, and regrout.
I hope this eases you mind a bit. More on installation can be found here http://www.congoleum.com/installation_menu.html
Thanks for the order and I know that you will be happy with the product for years to come.
Jerry Bryson
ACWG, Inc.
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