Monday, August 20, 2007

Let's try something new!

Blogging is something new for me, but I will give it my best shot. Flooring is something we all use, but reading about it is not something we will rush to the public library for books about . A lot of info and images can be seen on my site .

We at American carpet wholesalers maintain a full showronn for our instore customers, but we also maintain a 30,000 sq ft warehouse to service our online customers. Operating online is a very competitve neighborhood. While I have competitors that I respect and admire, I also have competitors that I am not too fond of. I will not name names. Lets just say they reside on the west coast and the east coast respectively. And some in the middle as well.

This month brings new challenges for all of the products we sell, carpet, hardwood floors, laminate flooring, luxury vinyl tiles, carpet tile, and accessories. Rising petroleum prices as well as rising labor costs have forced most of our suppliers raise prices. At American Carpet Wholesalers, we will absorb some of the increase, taking lower profit margins and pass as little
as possible to our customers.

The economy is not helping us out either. While people are watching their pennies and new home construction is at a virtual standstill, all housing related businesses are facing greater challenges everyday. It appears that there isn't a white knight out there to guide us thru this downturn.

Because of our sales volume at American Carpet Wholesalers and our extremely efficient operation, we will continue to offer our customers a great value for their dollar. Last year we were honored by Inc Magazine as one of the top growth companies in the nation. This year we are thankful that it appears we will not only stay on the list, but move up the ladder a little.
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